Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Costume Time!

I have recently made an acquisition at my local savers that has jump-started my efforts into a project I've been thinking about.  A costume, perhaps even (if I'm lucky) for Halloween this year.

An Alchemist, based on the one from Torchlight.

My acquisition?


I almost couldn't believe it when I found them, They're just so perfect, though not without flaws.  The range of motion, for example, is pretty bad.

I'm doing the same thing with both hands. 

The only finger on the glove that extends all the way is, funnily enough, the middle one.  The thumb has a guard, and is for all intents and purposes, immobile.  I'll be fixing both of those, as well as tightening the finger slots to get more 1:1 movement (I can currently fit 3 fingers in one) in addition to increasing the range of motion.  I'll also be replacing the palm side, which is all gross and worn out.
That's all for now!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hard at Work

The school season has started again, and now that I've finished with what is roughly my 3rd week of classes, I think I've gotten back in the groove.

I've not simply been doing coursework, however, (mostly because the classes I'm taking don't really require a lot of coursework, which is awesome) and I've been working on a few projects and hobbies that I had set aside for a while, and have even started up some new ones.  One such, as I've mentioned in a previous post, is exploration of my music tastes.  Another is a comic of sorts that I've been neglecting called Legend of The Phoenix, (which actually inspired me to create this blog in the first place) and my most recent project, Metal Man: Rock & Roll, which has been taking up most of my free time.

Legend of The Phoenix is, I assume, not very good, but I may yet post some images.  I tend to downplay my own abilities, and it could very well be better than I think, though it does at this point consist of sketches in a notebook that I made when I was bored in class last year.  For those of you who care, the picture for my twitter account is the main character.

Metal Man: Rock & Roll was thought of when I really realized that much of the really good music from Video Games are the ones that have their roots in good ol' Rock & Roll.  Take April, by Deep Purple for example:

Pay specific attention around the 2:00 mark

And then of course there's stuff like this:

Anyway, you get my point.  Metal Man is basically my way to homage not only the great games of the past, and their music, but the great music that inspired it as well.

I'll be putting up more on these (and other) projects shortly.